Monday, September 30, 2019

A Better Future with Green Technology Essay

We live in the 21st century which has been called the â€Å"century of the environment†. Our nation’s leaders and individual citizens are coming to an understanding that we can not assume any longer that problems such as pollution, climate changes and the dwindling amount of natural resources can be put off for a future generation to deal with (Green Technology, 2010). There are many uses and reasons for green technology. However, with the use of green technology we can have a healthier, cleaner and possibly longer future. In this paper, I will be discussing just a few of those many uses. The term technology refers to the application of knowledge for a practical purpose. Now the field of green technology encompasses a continuously evolving group of industries, industrial applications, methods and materials which exploit the value of the technologies that benefit the environment. This includes techniques from generating energy all the way to non-toxic cleaning products ( Green Technology, 2010). These groups particularly exploit the way this technology impacts the human condition. See more: Unemployment – problems and solutions essay The group of effected industries is quite diverse. It includes businesses as far as the fields of energy and agriculture. There are some who predict that someday every consumer product will be affected by green technology. The main goal of green technology is to find ways to produce technology in a way that does not damage or deplete any of the Earth’s natural resources. The use of green technology is supposed to reduce the amount of waste and pollution that is created during production and consumption. There are many different uses for green technology in our everyday lives. These different uses include a renewable energy source from alternative fuels, recycling, building green, natural and environmentally friendly cleaning supplies, green chemistry and even green nanotechnology (Green Technology, 2010). The most urgent of these issues is perhaps the use of renewable energy. The two main ways to be able to generate energy would be by using solar powered panels and the other i s using wind turbines. Recycling is an easy way for us to help out our future generations. Recycling helps to eliminate unnecessary waste in our landfills and is also environmentally friendly. Another good way to also be environmentally friendly is to buy products that have been made using recycled products and natural ingredients. The U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency defines building green , also known as â€Å"sustainable† or â€Å"high performance† building, as the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort (Palmese, 2009). Building green encompasses everything from the choice of building materials to where a building is located (Green Technology, 2010). The United States military is trying to cut back its dependency on their usage of fossil fuels. Therefore, they are turning to more greener and natural approaches to curb their dependency. The green that the military is turning to is definitely not the camouflage. Currently the Army and Navy are both exploring green technology options. Soldiers are going green with solar power units, purifying stagnant waters, solar tents and LED lights (Lowman, 2011). The military is developing two solar powered humvees that they call FED Alpha and FED Bravo. FED stands for Fuel Efficient Ground Vehicle Demonstrator (Iliaifar, 2011). FED Bravo’s details are very sparse and so it still remains more of a mystery. FED Alpha is suppose to be equipped with a solar panel that is mounted on the Humvee to be able to assist with its electrical systems (Iliaifar, 2011). The U.S. military are currently using solar powered cooling tents in Afghanistan. The U.S. military has a goal to achieve 25 percent renewable energy by the year 2025. Fort Drum, NY has one of the world’s largest solar installations which currently heats the entire base (Lowman, 2011). The U.S. army and the U.S. Navy have both kicked off net zero programs which is aimed at reducing not only energy use on bases and also on water use and waste. The U.S. Navy is aiming for half of its bases to have net zero energy consumption by 2020. The Army is planning to install rooftop solar installations in as many as 160,000 private military home in 33 different states to help with energy costs (Westervelt, 2012). The Navy has commissioned a ship that is energy efficient. It is called the Makin Island. It is the first amphibious assault ship to replace its steam boilers with gas turbines. It is also the first Navy surface ship to be equipped with both gas turbinesand an auxiliary propulsion system (Department of Defense, 2009) The trucking industry is also continuously evolving to be be more green. Carriers are going with cleaner trucks to get better fuel mileage and help cut out on harmful emissions. These days there are numerous opportunities for a carrier to turn their fleet into a green fleet (Britton, 2010). California is becoming more of a green state. The state of California passed new laws to where a truck driver can not idle there truck if it is not a clean emissions truck. Now that the new clean trucks, Freightliner Cascadia and the International ProStar and Lonestar, are readily available it makes this easier to achieve. The trucking industry has been able to achieve nearly zero nitrogen oxide emissions as of January 1, 2010. It also achieved zero particulate matter emissions as of January 1, 2007 (Britton, 2010). Now that the trucking industry has been able to cut back nearly all emissions to zero they are turning their sights on another problem. The new problem the industry is tackling is fuel consumption. One thing they have tried so far is using auxiliary power units, which are also known as APUs, when idoling the truck at a rest area or truckstop has helped instead of burning a gallon of fuel an hour to idol the truck like before it now takes a gallon to idol for all ten hours since having an APU installed on the trucks. Another way the trucking industry was tried to conserve fuel to become greener is by switching to wide-based tires. This has cut consumption as much as ten percent in some cases (Britton, 2010). Freightliner has clean drive technology in all their trucks they make now. They can claim this only due to Selective Catalytic Reduction, or SCR, and Blue Tec Emissions Technology that help their heavy duty trucks to exceed EPA standards while still being cost efficient, practical and proven to stand the wear and tear of the industry (Freightliner). Blue Tec Emissions Technology has proven to increase performance with every drop of diesel fuel, reduce more of the pollutants from exhaust gases, and improve profitability from every mile covered. The Blue Tec Technology treats the exhaust gases and the end results are nitrogen and water. The same thing we breathe in. The Cascadia has an aerodynamic exterior to also help reduce drag and improve on fuel efficiency. There are new developments constantly in the field of green technology. One of the new developments is a hydrogen powered car. It is a zero emission car that produces water as exhaust. Green technology is hitting our major cities. Most cities are going organic and natural to preserve the Earth’s resources. Most larger cities have public transportation that run off clean fuel. Before we know it there will not be a location that is not going green or already gone green. We ourselves can jump on the green bandwagon. We can do this simply by doing a few things we already do to begin with. The first way is to come up with your own cleaning supplies from a few things around the house such as baking soda, vinegar and even lemons. Baking soda is good to remove stains, cut through tough grease and to freshen carpets (US Green Technology,2012). With these three simple products you could clean your entire home. Vinegar and newspaper or paper towel you can clean windows, mirrors and tile. Do not throw out any old electronics. It is better to donate old cell phones to someone in need or recycle them at a store that offers it. This is important because the old battery and possibly even the device still could contain mercury, which is extremely poisonous to the environment (U.S. Green Technology, 2012). After all the hard earned money spent on the device to begin with, it would be better to put it to good use some how. Another way to be green is the stop drinking bottled water because it saves our planet from having another non-biodegradable plastic bottle laying around. It is better to get a filter that you place on your faucet (U.S. Green Technology, 2012). Hopefully the nation’s leaders and all of the individual citizens will come to understand that while we live in the century of the environment, they can no longer assume that the Earth’s natural resources will be there for the future generation to be able to handle the problems of pollution, climate changes and the rapidly dwindling amount of natural resources left. There are many great uses and reasons for choosing to use green technology. The use of green technology can lead us all to a healthier, cleaner and possibly longer future. References Bibb, B. (2011) Green Perspectives Mandatory Commercial Recycling Creates Manufacturing Jobs. Green Technology. Retrieved from Britton, D. (2010, February 17) Investing wisely in Green Technologies. Heavy Duty Trucking. Retrieved from Department of Defense. (2009, October 22). Retrieved from Freightliner Trucks (2012, March 5) Retrieved from Green Technology (2010) Retrieved from Green Technology (2010) Retrieved from Iliaifar, A. (2011, December 29). Retreived from with-hybrid-humvees/ Lowman, M. (2011, August 01) The military goes green. Science/Technology. Retreived from Palmese, R. (2009, June) Green Building Construction in California. Retrieved from U.S. Green Technology. (2012, January 14). How to be Green. Retrieved from Westervelt, A. (2012, Febuary 2). Why the military hates fossil fuels. Forbes. Retrieved from fuels-and-you-should-too-part-one-inefficiency/ Westervelt, A. (2012, February 6). The Military’s Green Tech Strategy. Forbes. Retrieved from Westervelt, A. (2012, February 14). How the Military uses Green Tech to Save Soldiers L ives. Forbes. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Women To The Status Of A “Second Class Citizen”

It is undeniable that women, in general, have suffered all sorts of discrimination and have been treated poorly by every society around the world for as long as history has been recorded. All countries in the world have announced their support to equal rights for women. Yet, on a daily basis, various forms of discrimination and violence against females take place around the world. Sometimes, men install glass ceilings to separate women, which prevent them from moving up in their careers.Sometimes, it is manifested through salaries with women being paid less than men. Discriminatory laws and social norms, which give preference to men in different fields, also reduce women to the status of a â€Å"second class citizen†. Most societies have a patriarchal system, which governs relations between men and women. Patriarchy, which literally means the rule of the men, is a social system where men play the dominant role. It also means that men are seen as the heads of households.In patr iarchal societies millions of women are forced to deal with different forms of discrimination and abuses at their work places and in their homes. Women take a subordinate or second-class role. This is usually reinforced through the following systems: 1. The economic system Men are regarded as breadwinners and therefore paid more than women. Women perform unpaid labour such as rearing children. With regards to property and inheritance rights, women are often discriminated against. 2. Culture and social norms and religiousCulture is everything in society which is socially rather than biologically transmitted. For example, gender roles and certain types of behavior are learned and allocated to men and women – boys don't cry, men must protect ‘their' girls and women, men are the heads of households and so forth. Girls must be kind and nurturing, not aggressive or too pushy. Gender refers to the social system, which governs the relations between men and women. It is the diff erent roles that societies prescribe for men and women.Unlike sex, which is biological, gender is determined by a given society's values and norms, the social, political and economic system. So a man's sex determines that he cannot have babies, but it is his gender role in most societies that determines that he should not feed babies and change nappies. Gender roles are cultural and culture is something that changes over time. The social role men play is linked to power and control and many people in our communities see it as part of the social order (the way things should be).Women can be good as a doctor but not a manager or president. Women are the top students in university but men professor are in majority. Some think that the feelings of superiority by men can be traced back to the biblical times of Adam and Eve as Adam was created in God's image and Eve came from Adam. 3. Political systems Men write and pass the law. Until as late as the 1970's, women were not allowed to vote in many countries, it also went without saying that governments, big business and international institutions were run mostly by men.Amazingly, many studies have shown that women who are subjected to violence and abuse are from all segments of society, including those from well-educated and well-off social classes. Yet, they don't speak about it because of shame, fear or out of concern that it would negatively affect their social status. Societies and women alike share the blame for the situation by accepting the abuse and, in some cases, justifying it. On the other hand, women activists say that many females, regardless of their education, feel â€Å"insulted† when activists speak to them about the need to end the abuse they are being subjected to.It is common knowledge that almost every language and culture tends to be male-dominated though believe me women do have a part to play some times ago my cousin gave birth to her second child a second girl so i tell my friend about it and she says â€Å"oh the poor parent's a second girl† i was applauded What the hell is that supposed to mean when both of us are second girls in the family. It’s truly a thing we as women need to improve who cares what the men think. Women to the Status of a â€Å"Second Class Citizen† It is undeniable that women, in general, have suffered all sorts of discrimination and have been treated poorly by every society around the world for as long as history has been recorded. All countries in the world have announced their support to equal rights for women. Yet, on a daily basis, various forms of discrimination and violence against females take place around the world. Sometimes, men install glass ceilings to separate women, which prevent them from moving up in their careers.Sometimes, it is manifested through salaries with women being paid less than men. Discriminatory laws and social norms, which give preference to men in different fields, also reduce women to the status of a â€Å"second class citizen†. Most societies have a patriarchal system, which governs relations between men and women. Patriarchy, which literally means the rule of the men, is a social system where men play the dominant role. It also means that men are seen as the heads of households.In patr iarchal societies millions of women are forced to deal with different forms of discrimination and abuses at their work places and in their homes. Women take a subordinate or second-class role. This is usually reinforced through the following systems: 1. The economic system Men are regarded as breadwinners and therefore paid more than women. Women perform unpaid labour such as rearing children. With regards to property and inheritance rights, women are often discriminated against. 2. Culture and social norms and religiousCulture is everything in society which is socially rather than biologically transmitted. For example, gender roles and certain types of behavior are learned and allocated to men and women – boys don't cry, men must protect ‘their' girls and women, men are the heads of households and so forth. Girls must be kind and nurturing, not aggressive or too pushy. Gender refers to the social system, which governs the relations between men and women. It is the diff erent roles that societies prescribe for men and women.Unlike sex, which is biological, gender is determined by a given society's values and norms, the social, political and economic system. So a man's sex determines that he cannot have babies, but it is his gender role in most societies that determines that he should not feed babies and change nappies. Gender roles are cultural and culture is something that changes over time. The social role men play is linked to power and control and many people in our communities see it as part of the social order (the way things should be).Women can be good as a doctor but not a manager or president. Women are the top students in university but men professor are in majority. Some think that the feelings of superiority by men can be traced back to the biblical times of Adam and Eve as Adam was created in God's image and Eve came from Adam. 3. Political systems Men write and pass the law. Until as late as the 1970's, women were not allowed to vote in many countries, it also went without saying that governments, big business and international institutions were run mostly by men.Amazingly, many studies have shown that women who are subjected to violence and abuse are from all segments of society, including those from well-educated and well-off social classes. Yet, they don't speak about it because of shame, fear or out of concern that it would negatively affect their social status. Societies and women alike share the blame for the situation by accepting the abuse and, in some cases, justifying it. On the other hand, women activists say that many females, regardless of their education, feel â€Å"insulted† when activists speak to them about the need to end the abuse they are being subjected to.It is common knowledge that almost every language and culture tends to be male-dominated though believe me women do have a part to play some times ago my cousin gave birth to her second child a second girl so i tell my friend about it and she says â€Å"oh the poor parent's a second girl† i was applauded What the hell is that supposed to mean when both of us are second girls in the family. It’s truly a thing we as women need to improve who cares what the men think.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

SERVICE ENCOUNTERS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SERVICE ENCOUNTERS - Essay Example Attendant: No, it’s okay. Customer: But honestly you look so great! Have a great day ahead! The first line â€Å"I received the exact amount, Sir. Here’s your change† is an uptake because it leads the customer to express the following statement in the second line, â€Å"Thank you! You look so great today†. This line leads the other person to engage in another statement in the conversation, which is found in the third line, â€Å"Thanks, but honestly I’m not feeling well†. This statement leads to another reaction of the other party as stated in the fourth line, â€Å"You look fine and I think you don’t have a fever either†. This statement leads the other party to throw another line, â€Å"Yes, but it’s something personal†. This line leads the customer to say, â€Å"O! I’m sorry to remind you of that†. The attendant responded in the next line, â€Å"No, it’s okay†. Then finally, the custom er closed the conversation with this line, â€Å"But honestly you look so great! Have a great day ahead!†. Clearly, there were effective lines that can be considered as uptakes because the two persons were able to involve themselves in the conversation way beyond the actual point they are supposed to perform in the scenario. Drug Store A young man, a Christian and in his late 20s after purchasing everything from a drug store started to initiate a conversation with the sales attendant who looks somewhere in her late 30s. This happened when there were only two customers left as the rest were just served and then they moved away. Customer: I haven’t seen you for a while. Did you take your vacation leave? Attendant: Yes. I just wanted to spend time with my kids. Customer: Wow. That’s great. How are they doing? Attendant: As usual, not doing great with their grades at school. They’re too preoccupied with computer games. Customer: O! I’m offering to you again my time. But this time I’ll employ some biblical principles when I’ll talk to them. Attendant: That’s a good offer, but I’ll see it first what else I can do. Customer: Just please inform me if you need some help. Attendant: Yes, I will. Thank you! The customer started in the first line, which is an uptake because it leads the attendant to respond to this statement, â€Å"I haven’t seen you for a while. Did you take your vacation leave?† This is a question statement that requires answer and so the attendant responded in this line, â€Å"Yes. I just wanted to spend time with my kids†. This statement is of interest to the customer, as depicted through this line as a response, â€Å"Wow. That’s great. How are they doing?† Here is another question that requires answer from the attendant as showcased in this line, â€Å"As usual, not doing great with their grades at school. They’re too preoccupied with computer g ames.† In this response, we can depict that there must be an existing conversation like this that had taken place before as observed from the response of the customer, â€Å"O! I’m offering to you again my time. But this time I’ll employ some biblical principles when I’ll talk to them†. This is another offer, as we can observe from the response of the attendant, â€Å"That’s a good offer, but I’ll see it first what else I can do.† In this response, the customer did not want to make a closure, and so leaving this line â€Å"Just please inform me if you need some help.† The attendant responded and ended the conversation with this line, â€Å"

Friday, September 27, 2019

International Crime Witness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Crime Witness - Assignment Example The country follows a bicameral system in terms of political domain. The responsibilities of the central government and state are segregated apparently. The federal government controls the legal functions of the entire nations through legal policies and numerous regulations (Tatsachen, 2014). Germany is the largest among of the economies in the European Union (EU). A constant increase in GDP has been witnessed by the country in the recent past. It is considered as a global hub of business sector with special inclusion of the automobile sector. A considerable percentage of the employment is provided by the SMEs (Tatsachen, 2014). Regulations for the criminal act in Germany are deemed to be quite certain. However, with the passage of time, certain amendments have been brought in the legal structure, which has further provided systematic rules for contemplating the witnesses in crime scenes. As per Subsection 6 of the Criminal Code, a witness is seen as a contributor towards the preventer of any particular offence or crime. The regulation depicts that the primary responsibility of any witness is to stop crime voluntarily in the first place. The Criminal Code of Germany also depicts that crime witness needs to voluntarily depict his/her knowledge about the crime to the concerned authorities as early as possible so that proper measures can be taken. However, this particular aspect of the law is only limited towards witness of the criminal offence and not for any other legal scenario. Article 5 of the Principal Witness Act is also an important decree that specifically determines the process followed to deal with t he criminal witness. As per this particular code of the German criminal law, a witness should not intend to misguide the case with their information or else they might be liable to get imprisonment of 1 year (Hilger, n.d.). Criminal suspects in the US are liable to enjoy certain individual rights. As per the fifth amendment of the federal law of the US, all criminal defendants will have the right to get free trial along with certain rights relevant to search and seizure.     Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 37

Assignment Example Engineering controls also address toxicological contaminants at the workplace environment through measures such as isolation, design or change processes, local suppression, and ventilation. Isolation advocates for the segregation of hazardous processes and equipment into separate rooms or areas to reduce contamination of the entire workplace. Design or change of processes requires simple considerations or modifications that can significantly improve the conditions of the product, such as packaging or grouping. Local suppression include strategies such as wetting or palletizing of dusty materials, as well as blanketing of toxic liquids, such as using damp mopping in contaminated or dusty areas. Ventilation is very instrumental in controlling airborne hazards, which occur in the form of vapours, fumes, gases, mists, dusts, and fibres (Dever, 2006). Work practices and hygiene practices work as supplementary strategies to engineering controls. As such, they represent on job activities geared at reducing the potential exposure to the toxic substances, such as preventive maintenance of equipment, posting warning signs, as well as labeling hazardous materials. Personal protective devices includes strategies such as wearing protective glasses or goggles, face shields, skin creams, protective clothing such as laboratory coats and gloves, and respirators. This strategy works best on condition that the choice made is the proper type, and there being the provision of an adequate maintenance program for the equipment. A fifth strategy entails undertaking safe practices and emergency provisions. According to Fine & Fos (2012), this includes steps such as leak and chemical spill procedures, which require sweeping solid contaminants into a container, or neutralizing contaminant liquids. It also provides the necessary steps to undertake in waste disposals, as well as the requirements

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Federal Reserve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

The Federal Reserve - Essay Example The effectiveness of the role of the Federal Reserve System lies in the monetary policies of the bank. The responsibility of designing appropriate monetary policies is bestowed on the Federal Reserve System by the Federal Reserve Act in order to ensure availability of money and liquidity in the economy and to arrange for provision of affordable cost of credit in order to fulfil the national economic goals. The monetary policies of the Federal Reserve System are aimed at sustaining the level of productivity and create a balance between the supply and demand. The responsibility of the Federal Reserve System also encompasses controlling of inflation rates by fixation of appropriate interest rates in the financial system. The basis of the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve System lies in the inter bank lending policy (Mankiw, 2011). During the phase of revival from the period of recession in the current economy, the Federal Reserve System modified its monetary policies in order to boost consumption demand in the economy by undertaking policies to inject sufficient flow of funds. The interbank rates depend on the Federal fund rate which is determined by the Federal Reserve System. ... The discount rate is determined by the Federal Reserve System looking at the demand of the economy and providing credits to the banks in required rates to fulfil the demand of liquidity in the economy. The reserve fund requirements are the deposit base held by the banks as a statutory requirement with the Federal Reserve System. The decrease in the reserve requirement as determined by the Federal Reserve policy would help to inject more liquid funds into the economy. The current economic conditions which showed a financial crisis led to the need of increased direct lending by the banks and financial institutions (Allen, 1999). The Federal Reserve System played an important role in determining appropriate inter bank rate to encourage increase in lending for the business. This has been done through increase in open market operations by the Federal Reserve System that has led to the increase in the flow of liquidity ion the economy. A higher level of production in the current economic c onditions has created the stage for revival of the economy. This in turn has led to the rise in income levels of the people thereby boosting the spending in the economy. As the banking system was severely hit during the current economic recession, the Federal Reserve System adopted measure to increase the credit to organisations other than banks. The central bank engaged in liquidity swaps with the other central banks of other countries. The usage of derivative products raised giving hope to the recovery of economic conditions. Thus the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System have been highly significant in establishing a position of stability for the current economy. It is through the policies of the Federal Reserve

Monday, September 23, 2019

Hip hop culture Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hip hop culture - Thesis Proposal Example Hip hop was the product of the activism and creativity of the people the drug-infested streets during the 1960s and 1970s. The places where gangs once fled, parties and outdoor jams were held. The wars among the groups were transformed into street dancing with DJs with colorful designs made by graffiti artists. Hip hop culture experienced various transformations from just an ordinary street culture into multibillion-dollar businesses and became famous around the globe (Price, 2006, xi). The popularity of hip hop gave itself a reputation as a great cultural movement that is against the mainstream beliefs. Beyond the popularity and high record sales, the very soul of the movement is still vague. The identity and destiny of the hip hop is not clear. The heated debates happened within the hip hop culture (Watkins, 2005, p. 5). Hip hop really started as a series of artistic activities like dance, music and graffiti which were all very important in showing the African popular culture. In the beginning it was hard to understand the existence of the culture (Dimitriadis, 2009, p. 22). Some people in the society consider the influence of hip hop to be exaggerated; it has made the very core of the African and American youth than any historical and political events. Hip hop was able to hone the youth while promoting the unique valued aspects of various communities. It has been found out that the basic ideology of hip hop is â€Å"Get in where you fit in†. Although the basic ideology of African American culture is about equality in the society, hip hop is about inclusion of all people who respect hip hop (Morgan, 2009, p. 48). DJs flourished in the hip hop culture. One of them is Joseph Saddler better known as Grandmaster Flash. He invented mixing wherein two or more music are played and recorded together. He also invented punch-phasing which is adding some popping sounds to audio tracks (Hatch, 2006, p. 24). It

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Communicate effectively Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communicate effectively - Assignment Example The company should avoid using women managers because males in China do not respect women’s ability to lead a company. KPMG is a company that faced cultural adaption issues in its relations with stakeholder groups such as employees and customers. To offset these problems the company has set up a program called Global China Practice to assist clients. The official language spoken in China is Manderin. Chinese people nod politely or blow slightly when greeting (Culturegrams, 2015). The use of handshakes is also an acceptable form of greeting another person. In general the Chinese prefer the use of formal introductions. Chinese do not like to be touched by people they do not know (Culturegrams, 2015). Older people in China do not like their person space invaded. Keeping a distance between a person and an elder person is a sign on respect. Gestures are not used to punctute conversations. To point out things Chinese people use an open arm instead of a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Communication Challenges to Modern Day Business Essay Example for Free

Communication Challenges to Modern Day Business Essay Communication is defined as the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual or electronic channels. Simply put, communication is the exchange of information between people. It is important to get feedback from your audience and vice versa for the process of communication to take place effectively. The feedback can be either positive or negative. It is any communication used in an organization with an intention to promote a product, improve service or with the intention to make a sale. This type of communication also occurs within the organization between the management and employees. It has purpose and a lot of attention is given to the details. Business communication has undergone a lot of transformation as a result of the growth of information technology that has changed the whole concept of communication. In the past, businesses had a model of communication that left very little room for interaction and conversation with the receiver of the message. Currently the model that works and is now used by most organisations is one that gives room to both conversation and interaction with the receivers. Communication is very vital in any organization. Like blood in our bodies, it is the channel that gives life to the organisation and without it, organisations would not be functional. Effective communication plays a significant role in the success of the business, as communication works to send information, control behavior and motivate workers. Today there are many more ways to communicate than there were just a few years ago and access to communication devices is almost universal in most businesses. Good communication means the intended message that is send is received by a group of audience without any distortions in meaning. This definition applies to not only personal communication among friends or relatives, but to business situations where you may be communicating with a co-worker one-on-one or in a meeting with several or more people. The key here is clarity Communication is also almost instantaneous. Good business communication is simple and easily understood, a rule often overlooked by managers and team members. This is especially important when preparing a document, speech or presentation that is a game-changer for the company. Simple and concise language wins over language that is obtuse and hard to understand. Business communication defines most organizations, resulting in effective marketing campaigns, productive interpersonal relationships among co-workers and successful customer service resolutions. Since audiences demand different kinds of communications in different situations and settings, effective business communication professionals understand how to tailor messages for maximum results. Several communication challenges exist within day-to-day business operations, especially with technology. Technology benefits organizational communication by lifting communication restrictions caused by time and distance. At the same time, the removal of time and distance as communication factors has led to the challenges of information overload and constant accessibility. The issue of constant accessibility has led to blurring of the lines between personal and professional lives. There are several barriers: Emotion serves as an obstacle to effective communication, as emotion can interfere with making rational decisions. Differences in culture can be a communication challenge for international businesses. Not understanding the language and customs of other cultures can lead to poor sales and public relation disasters. There are a number of recognised barriers in the modern day communication, many of which go unnoticed, that can and do effect the standards of communication a person feels comfortable with. Physical barriers are often down to the nature of the environment in which communication may take place but are not always interpreted by the recipient in the correct manor. For example an office door being closed could signify to a co-worker that someone does not want to be bothered, or is possibly in a bad mood, whereas the occupant of the office could have possibly closed the door due to a breeze or didnt close the door them self at all. This is an example of misinterpretation of actions brought about by the physical barrier of the door. Barriers like this can often present the risk of a ripple effect; in that the barrier in this situation could damage the recipients’ perception of the source by making the recipient feel outcast or shut out by the inhabitant of the office, which would set up the standings of a bad communicative relationship. Issues in communication can be disturbed when the basic mechanics of the communication method are damaged directly.

Friday, September 20, 2019

High Turnover Rate in Long-Term Care in Nursing

High Turnover Rate in Long-Term Care in Nursing Lisa Krier Introduction There is a serious problem in this nation, and it is only getting worse. By the year 2030, the number of elderly in the United States, 85 years or older, is expected to reach 8.9 million (Barondess, 2007). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, two-thirds of people reaching the age of 65 will require the services of a long term care facility at least once during their lifetime (Harris-Kojetin, Sengupta, Park-Lee, Valverde, 2013). As the population continues to age, the population of those over the age of 65 is projected to soar to 88.5 million by the year 2050, and the oldest of the old, those 85 years and older, is estimated to reach 17.9 million and account for 4.5% of the U.S. population (Harris-Kojetin, Sengupta, Park-Lee, Valverde, 2013). The 85 and older population often have the highest disability rate and their need for long term care placement is the greatest (Harris-Kojetin, Sengupta, Park-Lee, Valverde, 2013). Unfortunately, the number of women who are 20 to 50 years old, the population most likely to provide the work force of direct care staff, is only expected to increase less than 10% during this same time (Barondess, 2007). In the United States, the shortage of direct-care staff is a serious problem that is worsening (Barondess, 2007). Recruitment and retention of direct- care staff is extremely challenging and is exacerbated by the growing division between the number of those needing care the number of those providing the care (Barondess, 2007). Discussion Long term care facilities experience very high turnover rates among direct-care staff (Barondess, 2007). This problem is costly, threatens the quality of care provided to patients, increases workloads, and can lower morale among the remaining direct-care staff, with all of this contributing to continual and increased turnover (Barondess, 2007). According to the Institute of Medicine’s website, among direct-care staff there was a 71% turnover rate nationwide in 2008 and they were more likely to not have health insurance and to use food stamps (IOM, 2008). The high turnover rate of direct-care staff costs employers on average $4.1 billion annually (IOM, 2008). Direct-care staff contributes greatly to the physical and mental health of long term care patients (Stone Wiener, 2001). Patients depend on staff for assistance with activities of daily living and direct-care staff is the ones providing this care (Stone Wiener, 2001). According to the CDC, in 2012, direct-care staff spent on average 2.46 hours per day per patient, while RNs spent 0.52 hours per day per patient, and LPNs spend 0.85 hours per day per patient (Harris-Kojetin, Sengupta, Park-Lee, Valverde, 2013). As the direct-care staff spends much time caring for the patient, real attachments between the care givers and patients can occur (Eaton, 2000). Direct-care staff potentially can help to improve the patient’s health and psychosocial functioning by providing positive interactions (Eaton, 2000). In this regard, high turnover rates in the long term care setting can affect patient care and patients may suffer both physically and emotionally as a result (Hayes et al., 2006) . Staff turnover in the long term care industry increases the cost for caring for those patients and affects the quality of care provided (Rosen, Stiehl, Mittal, Leana, 2011). In order to increase the retention of nursing assistants, administrators need to address the problem of low job satisfaction among these employees (Rosen, Stiehl, Mittal, Leana, 2011). The following is a plan of action developed to address the problem of low job satisfaction and the high turnover rate of direct-care staff. Core Competency The core competency that will be addressed is managing patient-centered care (IOM, 2003). In 2003, the Institute of Medicine identified patient centered-care as: â€Å"identify, respect, and care about patient’s differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; relieve pain and suffering; coordinate continuous care; listen to, clearly inform, communicate with, and educate patients; share decision-making and management; and continuously advocate disease prevention, wellness, and promotion of health lifestyles, including a focus on population health† (IOM, 2003). In order for patient-centered care to be effective the staff must collaborate and coordinate care (Finkelman, 2012). Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes The KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes) that will be utilized for the Leadership Development Goal is team building conversations. High staffing turnover rates threaten the quality of care provided to patients and increases the financial burden of caring for those patients in long term care (Rosen, Mittal, Leana, 2011). When direct-care staff has been asked what promotes the best care, the staff rated communication highest (Scott-Cawiezell et al., 2004), and also rated communication as the greatest weakness in the organization (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009). Direct-care staff believes that they have a greater influence on quality of life for the patient than any other staff (Kane et al., 2006), and that high turnover rates undermine their relationships with patients (Bowers, Esmond, Jacobson, 2000). Direct-care staff believes that the quality of care for patients is reflected in the quality of care for staff by the leadership (Burke, Summers, Thompson, 2001). Given how direct-care staf f feel about their ability to affect patient care and their need to feel supported by the leadership, sitting down with them and having conversations about how best to build the team is essential (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009). Leadership SMART Goal I will examine the high turnover rate of direct-care staff in this long term care facility and meetings will take place with the direct-care staff and the management to begin building a strong team by engaging the direct-care staff in conversations regarding job satisfaction, reviewing peer-reviewed articles and credible websites, and to obtain information regarding job satisfaction from the direct-care staff through the use of employee surveys administered during the first meeting. SMART Goal Format Specifically, all direct-care staff, consisting of Certified Nursing Assistants and Medication Assistants, will sit down with management on a monthly basis to have team building discussions. The goal is to retain the direct-care staff by improving job satisfaction through providing access to authority, information, and teamwork (Boudrias, Gaudreau, Laschinger, 2004), and therefore allowing the direct-care staff to have involvement in decision-making (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009). These meetings will be scheduled during the first week of every month in the facility’s classroom and will occur at different times during the week to accommodate the direct-care staff from all of the shifts. The effects of these meetings, improvement in job satisfaction (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009) and the retention of direct-care staff (Rosen, Stiehl, Mittal, Leana, 2011) will be measured by selecting five direct-care staff members from each of the three shifts and having them participate in a series of surveys (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009). The employees selected to participate in the surveys must have completed the probationary period of employment. The first survey that will be administered is a psychological empowerment survey which consists of four categories, meaning, impact, competence, and self-determination (Spreitzer, 1995). Each category contains three questions and when all of the responses from each category are combined, an overall empowerment score is obtained (Spreitzer, 1995). Each item is rated on a seven point scale and higher scores represent opinions of increased empowerment (Spreitzer, 1995). The second survey that will be administered to the direct-care staff is the Organizat ional Cultural Inventory (Cooke Rousseau, 1988). This inventory assesses what the direct-care staff believes to be the behavioral expectations of them in the facility (Cooke Rousseau, 1988). The direct-care staff’s beliefs of service quality, commitment, role clarity, and role conflict are assessed on a scale from 1-5, or â€Å"not at all† to a â€Å"very great extent† (Cooke Rousseau, 1988). High scores are indicative of stronger validation of the construct (Cooke Rousseau, 1988). The third survey that the direct-care staff will be asked to complete is a nursing assistant job satisfaction survey (Ejaz, Noelker, Menne, Bagakas, 2008), which includes 18 items that measure the employee’s satisfaction with recognition and communication time, the time allotted to complete tasks, resources available to staff, teamwork, and leadership practices (Ejaz, Noelker, Menne, Bagakas, 2008). High levels of job satisfaction are related to high scores on the survey (Ejaz, Noelker, Menne, Bagakas, 2008). This goal is attainable as consistent meetings will take place on a monthly basis with direct-care staff and those in management. The direct-care staff will have the ability to have direct input and will have access to peer-reviewed research articles and evidence-based research provided by the management of the facility. During the first meeting, the credible websites of the Center for Disease Control (CDC, 2014) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2008) will be reviewed for vital information regarding staffing issues in long term care. During the second meeting, which will take place during the first week of the second month, the research article The Relation Between Psychological Empowerment, Service Quality, and Job Satisfaction Among Certified Nursing Assistants, published in the Clinical Gerontologist (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009) will be reviewed in correlation with the results of the surveys taken the previous month. The results of the surveys will be reviewed with the direct-care st aff and an initial plan of action will be drawn. The articles Some Potential Solutions to High Direct-Care Staff Turnover Rates published in the Annuals of Long-Term Care (Barondess, 2008) and Stayers, Leavers, and Switchers Among Certified Nursing Assistants in Nursing Home: A Longitudinal Investigation of Turnover Intent, Staff Retention, and Turnover published in The Gerontologist (Rosen, Stiehl, Mittal, Leana, 2011) will be discussed and made available for the staff to review at the third meeting, taking place during the first week of the third month. After the plan of action is created, it will be discussed at each monthly meeting to determine if the plan is succeeding in the goals set forth as well as any revisions that may be necessary. This goal is realistic as perceptions of empowerment and service quality have been shown to be strongly and positively related to job satisfaction (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009). Communication with management also affects job satisfaction (Scott-Cawiezell et al., 2004) as direct-care staff has consistently rated communication as the greatest weakness of their facility (Kostiwa Meeks, 2009). Suggestions made by the direct-care staff will be reviewed with management and changes will then be implemented with input and discussion from the staff as well as management. The time frame related to this goal will consist of monthly meetings with the direct-care staff and management both present. These meetings will take place during the first week of each month, with varying times to accommodate staff from all shifts. The surveys will be administered during the meeting in the first month, and then at six month intervals to measure whether or not job satisfaction rates are increasing. The program will be evaluated at the end of the first year to determine if the job satisfaction has increased and the turnover rate has decreased. Any changes to the program will be made at the end of the first year. Conclusion As the baby boomers retire and the population is expected to become much older, with 2/3rds of individuals over the age of 65 needing long term care services at least once in their lives, it is imperative that there is a sufficient workforce to care for these individuals (Harris-Kojetin, Sengupta, Park-Lee, Valerde, 2013). As the population of women aging 20 to 50 years of age, the population most likely to provide the work force of direct-care staff, is only expected to increase less than 10% over the next 20 years, it is imperative to see job satisfaction rates improve and the turnover rates decline in this workforce (Barondess, 2007). With a comprehensive plan that includes involving the direct-care staff in the decision making process, having management and the direct-care staff participate in team building conversations on a monthly basis, and utilizing credible websites and peer-reviewed journal articles to obtain valuable information, this is one problem that can have a succe ssful resolution. References Barondess, L.H. (2007). Some potential solutions to high direct-care staff turnover rates. Annuals of Long-Term Care, 15(10). Retrieved from Boudrias, J. S., Gaudreau, P., Laschinger, H. K. S. (2004). Testing the structure of psychological empowerment: Does gender make a difference? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 64(5), 861-877. Bowers, B. J., Esmond, S., Jacobson, N. (2000). The relationship between staffing and quality in long-term care facilities: Exploring the views of nurse aides. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 14(4), 55-65, 73-55. Burke, G., III, Summers, J., Thompson, T. (2001). Quality in long-term care: What we can learn from certified nursing assistants. Annuals of Long-Term Care, 9(2), 29-35. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014). Fast stats: Nursing home care. Retrieved from Cooke, R. A., Rousseau, D. M. (1988). Behavioral norms and expectations: A quantitative approach to the assessment of organizational culture. Group Organization Studies, 13(3), 245-273. Eaton, S. C. (2000). Beyond ‘unloving care’: Linking human resource management and patient care quality in nursing homes. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(3), 591-616. Ejaz, F. K., Noelker, L. S., Menne, H. L., Bagakas, J. G. (2008). The impact of stress and support on direct-care workers’ job satisfaction. The Gerontologist, 48(Special Issue 1), 60-70. Finkelman, A. (2012). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Harris-Kojetson, L., Sengupta, M., Park-Lee, E., Valverde, R. (2013). Long-term care services in the United States: 2013 overview. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Hayes, L.J., O’Brien-Pallas, L., Duffield, C., Shamian J., Buchan, J., Hughes, F., et al. (2006). Nurse turnover: A literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 32(2), 237-263. Institute of Medicine (2003). Health professions education. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Institute of Medicine (2008). Retooling for an aging America: Building the health care workforce. Retrieved from Kane, R. L., Rockwood, T., Hyer, K., Desjardins, K., Brassard, A., Gessert C., et al. (2006). Nursing home staff’s perceived ability to influence quality of life. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 21(3), 248-255. Kostiwa, I.M., Meeks, S., (2009). The relation between psychological empowerment, service quality, and job satisfaction among certified nursing assistants. Clinical Gerontologist, 32, 276-292. doi:10.1080/07317110902895309 Rosen, J., Mittal, E.M., Leana, C.R. (2011). Stayers, leavers, and switchers among certified nursing assistants in nursing home: A longitudinal investigation of turnover intent, staff retention, and turnover. The Gerontologist, 51(5), 597-609. Scott-Cawiezell, J., Schenkman, M., Moore, L. Vojir, C., Connoly, R. P., Pratt, M., et al. (2004). Exploring nursing home staff’s perceptions of communication and leadership to facilitate quality improvement. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 19(3), 242-252. Spreitzer, G. M. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimensions, measurement and validation. Academy of Management Journal, 38(5), 1442. Stone, R. I., Wiener, J. M. (2001). Who will care for us? Addressing the long-term care workforce crisis. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Eulogy for my Mother Essay examples -- essays research papers

I want to thank all of my Mother’s friends and family for being here today to celebrate her life and to mourn her death. I’m sure she would be thrilled to see all of you here and I know it would have meant the world to her. I suppose that the way that these things are supposed to go is that I recap her life and tell all of the good things about her and all of the great things she did, and there are many, but I can only tell you about what my mother meant to me. Everything good that is in me came wholly or in part from this woman. She taught me to love and to give, even when no one noticed my efforts. She taught me the value of hard work and dedication to our passions in life, the things that make us more than just animals. She taught me that there is value in every human life, regardless of how meek or downtrodden. The lesson I would like to talk about today is the lesson of the value of the fight, and to her very last day she continued that lesson. My mother believed in the fight and she dedicated her life to helping others learn to do it as well. As a dependency nurse and counselor, she helped hundreds of patients who had lost their way in life to try to find something else to cling to, something that could help them deal with life without resorting to drugs or alcohol as an escape. Permanent success was rare, often she would see the same patient again a year or two later in the same position. When she learned she had Cancer, she organized herself into a one-woman battle squad. Anyone who knew my mother knows that sitting down and letting the sickness take over was just not in her. She took the eighteen month prognosis they gave her , smiled, and threw it out the window. Shortly after her diagnosis,... ...his day, and I’m absolutely sure that she would love it. I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky meet each other. Then someone at my side says† â€Å"There, she is gone!† â€Å"Gone where?† Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear the load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me, not her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, â€Å"There, she is gone!† there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: â€Å"Here she comes!† And that is dying. Eulogy for my Mother Essay examples -- essays research papers I want to thank all of my Mother’s friends and family for being here today to celebrate her life and to mourn her death. I’m sure she would be thrilled to see all of you here and I know it would have meant the world to her. I suppose that the way that these things are supposed to go is that I recap her life and tell all of the good things about her and all of the great things she did, and there are many, but I can only tell you about what my mother meant to me. Everything good that is in me came wholly or in part from this woman. She taught me to love and to give, even when no one noticed my efforts. She taught me the value of hard work and dedication to our passions in life, the things that make us more than just animals. She taught me that there is value in every human life, regardless of how meek or downtrodden. The lesson I would like to talk about today is the lesson of the value of the fight, and to her very last day she continued that lesson. My mother believed in the fight and she dedicated her life to helping others learn to do it as well. As a dependency nurse and counselor, she helped hundreds of patients who had lost their way in life to try to find something else to cling to, something that could help them deal with life without resorting to drugs or alcohol as an escape. Permanent success was rare, often she would see the same patient again a year or two later in the same position. When she learned she had Cancer, she organized herself into a one-woman battle squad. Anyone who knew my mother knows that sitting down and letting the sickness take over was just not in her. She took the eighteen month prognosis they gave her , smiled, and threw it out the window. Shortly after her diagnosis,... ...his day, and I’m absolutely sure that she would love it. I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky meet each other. Then someone at my side says† â€Å"There, she is gone!† â€Å"Gone where?† Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear the load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me, not her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, â€Å"There, she is gone!† there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: â€Å"Here she comes!† And that is dying.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ramsey vs. Fletcher :: essays research papers

As a student at Southern Methodist University, I have acquired knowledge from requisite classes to not only better myself, but also for the betterment of my community. I feel, as apart of the human race, that we should continue to strive for an enhanced community by gaining information from other humans. However, in order for this greater sense of community to occur, we must realize there are morals to withstand. Socrates posed the question â€Å"have we learned how to teach virtue?† I believe that it is a work in progress. Although, ethics did not have a primary role in society until the mid twentieth century, I feel that we are making progress leaps and bounds to achieve this goal in a short amount of time. After reading ethicists Paul Ramsey and Joseph Fletcher’s words many questions were raised that would seem to have contradicting answers. Therefore, other ethicists and students are obligated to lean toward one side or the other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Paul Ramsey’s preface to The Patient as Person, we get a clear depiction of where he stands on ethics today. Ramsey says that it is important to keep the covenant between man and man and man and God. The covenant between man and man is that men need to have a kind of faithfulness to each other that is righteous (Pg. 53). For example, when you visit the doctor you, as a patient, have an obligation to trust the doctor. The doctor has an advantage because he/she has been educated in the field of medicine. . You have faith that the doctor will do what is right for the enhancement of your health. Sometimes doctors abuse that aspect of their profession and use it to better science. James P. Scanlan uses the argument of finding the valuable truth and scientific knowledge which is morally impossible to obtain (Pg. 55). Ramsey responds by saying, â€Å"These are salutary warnings precisely because by them we are driven to make the most searching inquiry concerning more basic ethical principles governing medical practice.† While becoming a doctor, one may feel as if they must constantly better the field of health using science. â€Å"Doctors†, Ramsey says, â€Å"Need to become moral philosophers† (Pg.55). If the doctors do not think morally, then medical ethics will slowly become scoured till there is nothing left. Granted, there are doctors and medical students who have looked at this situation from a moral perspective, but I believe, as does Ramsey, that doctors will get caught up in the â€Å"omnivorous appetite of scientific research. Ramsey vs. Fletcher :: essays research papers As a student at Southern Methodist University, I have acquired knowledge from requisite classes to not only better myself, but also for the betterment of my community. I feel, as apart of the human race, that we should continue to strive for an enhanced community by gaining information from other humans. However, in order for this greater sense of community to occur, we must realize there are morals to withstand. Socrates posed the question â€Å"have we learned how to teach virtue?† I believe that it is a work in progress. Although, ethics did not have a primary role in society until the mid twentieth century, I feel that we are making progress leaps and bounds to achieve this goal in a short amount of time. After reading ethicists Paul Ramsey and Joseph Fletcher’s words many questions were raised that would seem to have contradicting answers. Therefore, other ethicists and students are obligated to lean toward one side or the other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Paul Ramsey’s preface to The Patient as Person, we get a clear depiction of where he stands on ethics today. Ramsey says that it is important to keep the covenant between man and man and man and God. The covenant between man and man is that men need to have a kind of faithfulness to each other that is righteous (Pg. 53). For example, when you visit the doctor you, as a patient, have an obligation to trust the doctor. The doctor has an advantage because he/she has been educated in the field of medicine. . You have faith that the doctor will do what is right for the enhancement of your health. Sometimes doctors abuse that aspect of their profession and use it to better science. James P. Scanlan uses the argument of finding the valuable truth and scientific knowledge which is morally impossible to obtain (Pg. 55). Ramsey responds by saying, â€Å"These are salutary warnings precisely because by them we are driven to make the most searching inquiry concerning more basic ethical principles governing medical practice.† While becoming a doctor, one may feel as if they must constantly better the field of health using science. â€Å"Doctors†, Ramsey says, â€Å"Need to become moral philosophers† (Pg.55). If the doctors do not think morally, then medical ethics will slowly become scoured till there is nothing left. Granted, there are doctors and medical students who have looked at this situation from a moral perspective, but I believe, as does Ramsey, that doctors will get caught up in the â€Å"omnivorous appetite of scientific research.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Do You Advocate Or Oppose Social Media? Essay

Advocates of the Social Media say that these communities facilitate social and political change; offer teachers, librarians, and students valuable access to educational support and materials; promote increased interaction with friends and family and broadcast useful information rapidly. Opponents say that these sites alter children’s brains and behavior; waste time on frivolous activity; prevent face-to-face communication; expose users to predators like pedophiles and burglars and spread false and potentially dangerous information. In this paper I will give a brief history of the Social Media and will also enumerate in an unbiased way some pros and cons of the Social Media. History of the Social Media, which existed from 1997-2001, is considered the first social networking site because it allowed users to create personal spaces and connect to friends online. Friendster, created in 2002, popularized social networking in the United States but was quickly outpaced by other social networking sites like: MySpace (2003), Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006), Pinterest (2009), and Google+ (2012). Facebook reported one billion monthly users worldwide on October 4, 2012, making it the most popular social networking site with one in seven people on the planet using the site. Every day, Facebook manages 2.7 billion â€Å"Likes,† 300 million photo uploads, and 2.5 billion status updates and check-ins. Twitter, the second largest social networking site, had an estimated 107.7 million users in the United States (as of Jan. 31, 2012) and 500 million worldwide users (as of Sep. 28, 2012). Pinterest is the third largest social network with 23 million unique visitors in July 2012, followed by LinkedIn, Tagged, Google+, and MySpace. 59% of all Internet users use at least one social networking site and 56% of social networking users are female. Social Media Pros Social networking sites spread information faster than any other media. Over 50% of people learn about breaking news on social media. 65% of traditional media reporters and editors use sites like Facebook and LinkedIn for story research, and 52% use Twitter. Social networking sites are the top news source for 27.8% of Americans, ranking close to newspapers (28.8%) and above radio (18.8%) and other print publications (6%). Twitter and YouTube users reported the July 20, 2012 Aurora, CO theater shooting before news crews could arrive on the scene, and the Red Cross urged witnesses to tell family members they were safe via social media outlets. (Hughes & Pesce, 2012). Law enforcement uses social networking sites to catch and prosecute criminals. 67% of federal, state, and local law enforcement professionals surveyed think â€Å"social media helps solve crimes more quickly.† In 2011 the NYPD added a Twitter tracking unit and has used social networking to arrest criminals who have bragged of their crimes online. When the Vancouver Canucks lost the 2011 Stanley Cup in Vancouver, the city erupted into riots. Social media was used to catch vandals and rioters as social networking site users tagged the people they knew in over 2,000 photos posted to the sites. (Global Post, 2012). Social networking sites help students do better at school. 59% of students with access to the Internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments. After George Middle School in Portland, OR introduced a social media program to engage students grades went up by 50%, chronic absenteeism went down by 33%, and 20% of students school-wide voluntarily completed extra-credit assignments. (Delmatoff, 2010). Social networking sites allow people to improve their relationships and make new friends. 70% of adult social networking users visit the sites to connect with friends and family, and increased online communication strengthens relationships. 52% of teens using social media report that using the sites has helped their relationships with friends, 88% report that social media helps them stay in touch with friends they cannot see regularly, 69% report getting to know students at their school better, and 57% make new friends. (Common Sense Media, 2012). Social media helps empower business women. Being able to connect on social networking sites gives business women a support group not readily found offline where female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are outnumbered by male CEOs 15 to 485. Many social media sites are dominated by women: 72% of Pinterest users are women, 58% of Facebook users, 62% of MySpace users, 60% of Yelp users, and 53% of Instagram users. Business women useTwitter chats to support each other, give and receive peer knowledge, and have guest â€Å"speakers† share expert knowledge. helps African women entrepreneurs connect on social media to grow their businesses. (, 2012). Social media sites help employers find employees and job-seekers find work. 64% of companies are on two or more social networks for recruiting because of the wider pool of applicants, more efficient searches, and no need for an outside recruiter. 89% of employers have hired employees through LinkedIn, 26% through Facebook, and 15% through Twitter. One in six job-seekers credit social media for helping find their current job. 52% of job-seekers use Facebook for the job search, 38% use LinkedIn, and 34% use Twitter. (Jobvite, 2012). Social Media Cons Social media enables the spread of unreliable and false information. 49.1% of people have heard false news via social media. On Sep. 5, 2012 false rumors of fires, shootouts, and caravans of gunmen in a Mexico City suburb spread via Twitter and Facebook caused panic, flooded the local police department with over 3,000 phone calls, and temporarily closed schools. Shashank Tripathi, tweeting as @ComfortablySmug, spread false information in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy by posting on Twitter that the New York Stock Exchange was flooding and that the power company would cut off electricity to all of Manhattan; the bogus information was picked up by national news outlets including CNN and the Weather Channel. (Laird, 2012). Social networking sites lack privacy and expose users to government and corporate intrusions. 13 million users said they had not set or did not know about Facebook’s privacy settings and 28% shared all or nearly all of their posts publicly. The US Justice Department intercepted 1,661 pieces of information from social networking sites and e-mails in 2011. The 2009 IRS training manual teaches agents to scan Facebook pages for information that might â€Å"assist in resolving a taxpayer case.† 4.7 million Facebook users have â€Å"liked† a health condition or medical treatment page, information that is sometimes used by insurance companies to raise rates. (Nance-Nash, 2011). Students who are heavy social media users tend to have lower grades. Students who use social media had an average GPA of 3.06 while non-users had an average GPA of 3.82 and students who used social networking sites while studying scored 20% lower on tests. College students’ grades dropped 0.12 points for every 93 minutes above the average 106 minutes spent on Facebook per day. Two-thirds of teachers believe that social media does more to distract students than to help academically. (Lanir, 2012). Social networking sites can lead to stress and offline relationship problems. A University of Edinburgh Business School study found the more Facebook friends a person has, the more stressful the person finds Facebook to use. According to a Feb. 9, 2012 Pew Internet report, 15% of adult social network users had an experience on a social networking site that caused a friendship to end, 12% of adult users had an experience online that resulted in a face-to-face argument, and 3% of adults reported a physical confrontation as the result of an experience on a social networking site. (Rainie, Lenhart & Smith, 2012). Social networking sites entice people to waste time. 40% of 8 to 18 year olds spend 54 minutes a day on social media sites. 36% of people surveyed listed social networking as the â€Å"biggest waste of time,† above fantasy sports (25%), watching TV (23%), and shopping (9%). When alerted to a new social networking site activity, like a new tweet or Facebook message, users take 20 to 25 minutes on average to return to the original task. In 30% of cases, it took two hours to fully return attention to the original task. 42% of American Internet users play games like Farmville or Mafia Wars on social networking sites. (Willis, 2012). Using social media can harm job stability and employment prospects. Job recruiters reported negative reactions to finding profanity (61%), poor spelling or grammar (54%), illegal drugs (78%), sexual content (66%), pictures of or with alcohol (47%), and religious content (26%) on potential employees’ social media pages. Anthony Weiner, former US Representative, was forced to resign after a Twitter sexting scandal in 2011. Several athletes were banned from the 2012 Olympics because of their racist social media posts. (Recuero, 2012). Conclusion After reviewing this information, do you see yourself as an advocate or opponent of the Social Media? Do you believe that the Social Media facilitates social and political change, is valuable to education, promotes relationships and broadcasts useful information rapidly? Do you believe the Social Media alters children’s behavior, is a waste of time, prevents personal communication, is a useful tool for predators and burglars and spreads false information? I see myself as neutral in regards to either advocating or opposing the Social Media. I do see positive things coming from the Social Media, but also see negative things. I believe is a matter of doing research and not taking all information the Social Media bombards us with as factual information. It’s a personal choice, either we advocate the Social Media or oppose it. The decision is up to you. References Bosker, B. (2012) Fortune 500 List Boasts More Female CEOs Than Ever Before. Retrieved January 6, 2013 from Common Sense Media. (2012). Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives. Retrieved January 6, 2013 from Dalke, R. (2011). Social Media Case Study: The Stanley Cup Hockey Riots. Retrieved January 6, 2013 from Delmatoff, E. (2010). How Social Media Transformed Our

Monday, September 16, 2019

Effects on Conflict in Northern Ireland Essay

Social segregation is one of the effects of the conflict on the people of Northern Ireland. The Protestants and the Catholics grew up in an atmosphere of tension and violence. They each received different education, each praising their own and condemning the deeds of the other. In addition, most of them live in separate residential areas. The Belfast ‘peace’ wall is one of many walls built to separate Protestants and Catholics. The violence in the country also means that the Protestants and the Catholics believe that their own people were right and the other party was responsible for the conflict. Thus the young people of Northern Ireland could grow up without meeting anyone from the other community. This has led to the lack of understanding between the two religious groups. Thus it led to the growth of hatred and prejudices between them. With increased hostility, violence continued to rise. The economy of Northern Ireland was also affected by the conflict. Prior to the conflict, many overseas companies were invested in Northern Ireland. Tourists came to the country as it was peaceful and attractive. As a result of the conflict, both foreign investments and tourism declined. The foreign-owned factories closed down when violence increased operating costs in Northern Ireland. The constant threat of bombings and high cost of security drove away large manufacturers in great numbers. People were afraid of their safety and did not want to come to Northern Ireland and investors were afraid to invest there too. This reduced the revenue (income) for Northern Ireland, leading to declining economy. The conflict also affected Northern Ireland politically. Prior to the conflict, the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) organized several demonstrations to end discrimination against the Catholics. The Civil Rights marches pressured the Northern Ireland government to pass anti-discrimination measures in Northern Ireland. As a result of the conflict, the government agreed to abolish the unequal voting system. After Bloody Sunday in 1972, an agreement was reached to introduce power-sharing between the Catholics and Protestants in 1998. However this agreement has not been fully implemented as different political parties refused to share power. Among all 3, the most serious effect is the social segregation. This is because it leads to many young people in Northern Ireland growing up with hatred and prejudice towards the other community. With the rise of prejudice, there would be no end to the conflict in Northern Ireland. If prejudice can be overcome, there would be better understanding among people of Protestants and Catholics especially the youth. This would reduce violence, leading to greater reconciliation and greater success at both political reforms and the return of investments and tourists. Nur Liyana

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A comparison of three songs of Brecht’s “Mother Courage and her Children” with the parados and 3rd stasimon of Sophocles’ “Antigone”

The play, â€Å"Mother Courage and her Children† was written by Bertolt Brecht in 1939 as an anti World War II play. â€Å"Antigone†, by Sophocles, was written somewhere between 400 and 500 B.C and talks about the debate between family laws and state laws in the form of a popular drama. Through analyzing the three songs â€Å"The Fraternisation Song† (scene 3), â€Å"The Song of the Wise and the Good† (scene 9) and â€Å"The Song of the Hours† (scene3), it will be seen that these songs can be contrasted with the parados and 3rd stasimon of the play â€Å"Antigone†. â€Å"The Fraternisation Song† is a song of caution voiced by Yvette, the camp prostitute, to the gullible Kattrin. Yvette denounces the opportunistic faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade of love and the foolishness of belief in the higher concepts of love. In the first stanza consisting of 12 lines, Yvette portrays her deflowering by the enemy. The three types of rhyming patterns are â€Å"abcb†, â€Å"aabb† and â€Å"abba†. In the second stanza of 12 lines, Yvette gives us a closer look at the idiocy when she gave herself up to the camp cook and saw other girls do the same. The third stanza of 12 lines relates the birth of recognition and understanding in Yvette as it dawns upon her that war brings nothing but melancholy and disaster in its wake. She describes how men condescended with her notions of love and how love was twisted to rape towards December. The month December is an allegory for the departure of the soldiers as well as the loss of innocence. There is grief an d a sense of terrible loss etched in those two words: â€Å"December came.† Her song brings to light the general futility of conflict and the personal loss of her innocence. The second and third stanzas follow the same rhyming pattern as the first. â€Å"The Song of the Wise and the Good† boldly criticises and ridicules virtues during times of war. The first stanza of 10 lines is a simple tale of the wise Solomon who was acclaimed for his lofty ideals and his throne like position above the littleness of mortals. The first stanza goes on to tell the readers how Solomon was cut down because of his wisdom. The second stanza of 10 lines describes Julius Caesar's mighty fall from his invulnerability due to his reckless courage. The third stanza of 10 lines shows the death of Socrates because of his honesty. Death because of altruism is seen in the death of the unfortunate martin in the fourth stanza. The fifth stanza jests at the essence of the Ten Commandments and the precarious position that godliness occupies. All the stanzas follow the rhyming patterns â€Å"abcc†, â€Å"ab† and â€Å"abab†. Throughout the song, the following four lines act as a necessary refrain to reinforce the idea that virtues are unreliable during war: â€Å"But ere night came and day did go The fact was clear to everyone: It was our wisdom/bravery/honesty/unselfishness/godliness that brought us low. Better for you if you have none.† â€Å"The Song of the Hours† consists of 10 stanzas of 4 lines each. The song is presented by the hapless Chaplain which talks about Jesus Christ and the Crucification. The song describes how Jesus was condemned of murder in the 1st hour by Pilate the heathen and later taken to King Hesiod. In the 3rd hour, Jesus is flogged mercilessly and the mockery of a crown made of thorns was placed on his head and a robe flung over his body. The 6th hour recounts the Crucification and Jesus' plight and his continual mockery by bandits resigned to the same fate. The scene is so cruel that even daylight looks away. In the 9th hour, Jesus gives up his soul and miracles are seen. The most interesting aspects of the song are the last two stanzas which talk about Jesus' maltreatment by the heathens who laugh at ‘this simple son of man' The song, in context of the play, reminds the readers of the imminent death of Swiss Cheese who is compared to Jesus in this regard. It tells us that war reveals all the blood and gore and the ugliness of society and any semblance towards beauty is mutilated. All three songs from the play bring to light one aspect of the play. They are all reminders to Mother Courage of war bringing along agents of destruction and mayhem in its wake. Moreover, not even a drop of profit can be wrenched from a time of war; it tends to suck in all virtues and innocence. The parados in â€Å"Antigone† highlights the events that have occurred till the moment of the entry of the Chorus and the present situation. The Chorus talks about the battle between the seven commanders of Argos and seven heroes of Thebes outside its seven gates. The Chorus claim that victory was foreseen as Zeus and Ares had themselves lent a hand towards their aid. The Chorus also notes with misery the death of the brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices. Finally the Chorus harks for peace and forgetfulness. There is also a general stir as they have no idea why they are summoned to council by the new king, Creon. The 3rd stasimon projects the theme of Love as an evil entity. Eros, harbinger of passion, is omnipresent and omnipotent. No man or god can resist its allure. The 3rd stasimon records how love drives beings to unreasonable actions and fires them up into activity. The 3rd stasimon underscores the fact that Antigone, a daughter of Oedipus, had committed treachery because of the love of her brother. The parados and the songs are both lyrical pieces which relate to war. However, unlike the ridicule of virtue and the loss of innocence which revolve as themes, the parados applauds and glorifies the notion of war. Lines such as â€Å"he flew over the land/Screaming like an eagle† and â€Å"Too much for him as he fought/The dragon of Thebes† adds an appealing quality of myth and heroism to war. The stark contrast is evident in â€Å"The Song of the Hours† in which the lines â€Å"And the blood and water ran/And they laughed at Jesus† tells us that the best of intentions and sacrifices mean nothing to minds fed by war. The concentration of the parados is on war itself whereas the songs examine lateral themes as a consequence of war. The other point to note is the fact that there is a sight of victory and virtues like forgetfulness are broached and seen with optimism. The songs shun notions of victory and virtue. The 3rd stasimon condemns the idea of love as an unpardonable emotion which drives men to recklessness. However the contrast is seen when love is feared and given a godlike stature whereas the songs treat any semblance to virtue like dirt. Love is, clearly, laughed at. Moreover the objects of criticism are not similar as love does not entirely constitute a virtue. There is an underlying similarity seen in the 3rd stasimon and â€Å"The Song of the Wise and the Good†. Virtues and love drive men and women to commit recklessness which sentence their existence to the doldrums consequently. Yvette and Antigone are clear examples. In the 3rd stasimon, love as a flaw is the object of focus whereas in the songs the idiotic behaviour is brought to light. Both the 3rd stasimon and the songs look at criticism; however the songs view the object with ridicule whereas the 3rd stasimon criticizes with unconditional reverence.

How Is Power Sharing Done in India Essay

In India power is devided among central and state goverment . the power of central goverment is devided into 3 institution ie legislature judiciary and executive. Power Sharing in India: India is a democratic country. People of India elect their representative through direct franchise and representatives elect the government to make or amend rules & regulations and to carry out day to day functioning of governance. One basic principle of democracy is that people are the source of all political power. In a democracy, people rule themselves through institutions of self-governance. In a good democratic government, due respect is given to diverse groups and views that exist in a society. Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public policies. Therefore, it follows that in a democracy political Forms of power sharing power should be distributed among as many citizens as possible. Power Sharing in Different Organs of Government: Power is shared among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. Let us call this horizontal distribution of power because it allows different organs of government placed at the same level to exercise different powers. Such a separation ensures that none of the organs can exercise unlimited power. Each organ checks the others. This results in a balance of power among various institutions. For example, ministers and government officials exercise power, they are responsible to the Parliament or State Assemblies. Similarly, judges can check the functioning of executive or laws made by the legislatures. This arrangement is called a system of checks and balances.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Agreed Ways Of Working Essay

Agreed ways of working is referring to staff following the policies and procedures, adhering to each individuals care plans accordingly, as well as any risk assessments in place as reading and following any code of conduct. An agreed way of working is performing to the standard that was agreed at the beginning of the employee’s contract to work effectively in helping to protect and care for vulnerable people. Following the policies and procedures or the agreed ways of working set out how your employer requires you to work. They incorporate various pieces of legislation as well as best practice. They are there to benefit and protect you and the service user’s you support and your employer. They enable you to provide a good quality service working within the legal framework and most importantly aim to keep you and your service user safe from danger and harm. The importance of a full and up to date agreed way of working starts right at the beginning before anyone is put into a social care environment. Having a job description and reading it fully, as well as understanding it means that you agree to follow the agreed way of working by not only performing to the policies and procedures standards. It’s important to keep up to date care plan’s, risk assessments and company policies and procedures which is important you read them and sign them to let your company know that you understand what are working towards. Without up to date information the safety and comfort of your client are put at risk, this is why it’s important to put into place agreed ways of working as if this was not in place it would be impossible to know what is expected for the individual and even harder to care for more vulnerable service users. It is a legal requirement as you have a duty to keep your service user safe by following policies and procedures and working within your job role. Importance of having an up to date agreed ways of working as there may be changes to some policies and procedures within the law. Your company may have to implement these changes to help protect the more vulnerable people we care for. It is important for care workers to follow your policies and procedures and guidelines as by doing this you will get a better understanding of what your company is expecting of your work and how we can support and provide appropriate care for all of your clients. By reading and understanding your job you will now your job description and your limits as this will help you do your job effectively.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Brand Management Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Brand Management - Dissertation Example Although there is an accounting and legal meaning of branding but in terms of marketing it refers to the products that have clear identity, that uniquely associates and establishes a meaning between the brand and the customers. From the perspective of customer, a brand is a promise that the product will perform perfectly as per their expectation and provide them with consistent performance across â€Å"all the touch points or moment of truth with the company (distribution channels, customer service, pricing, warranties and so forth)† (Bidgoli, 2010, p. 430). It is originated as a sign of ownership via the recognition as a mental depiction of customer benefits. But now brand has arrived to such a point that it represents the strategic position and vision of the company in relation to its environment. The brands has moved from merely being an addition to the offering to its reception as a symbol of knowledge, vision and culture that would strategically guide the offering (Abbing and Gessel, 2008). The process of innovation helps not only to reduce cost but also improves the quality of the product. Thus it improves the relative value of the product. Innovation not only affects the value of the product but also helps in creating reputation. ... to liberation of brand and plan, value and meaning as associates as well as essential resources in the development of leading services and products in the market. 1.1 Branding life cycle Kotler (2000) has defined brand as an expression, name, sign, design or a combination of all these which signifies a particular seller or a group of sellers and aims towards differentiating them from the other competitors available in the market. This definition can be limiting. Dibb et al. (1997) suggested that branding is one of the tangible features of a product. It provides the customer with the verbal and physical clues that helps them to choose one particular product over the others that are available in the market. However it is not only limited to products; services also communicates physical and verbal clues. For instance the hotel that provides its wide range of varieties of services also provides and transmits a range of physical and verbal communication to its potential customers. The ter m â€Å"life cycle† is often linked with the development of a service or product. The same metaphor is used to link human behaviour with the concept of branding. This suggests that there are possibilities that the brands that one finds in the offices and homes may be seen to face a decline and finally seen to die. These brands also have long history of struggle and have left various legacies. Brands are affected by various combinations of macro and micro environmental factors (Chitale and Gupta, 2011; Majumdar, 2004; Kurtz and Boone, 2008; Gelder, 2005). By understanding the influence of these factors on the position of the brand in the market place, the management of the organization will be able to forecast the health of their brand in future and will be able to plan their strategies.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Gilded Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Gilded Age - Essay Example During the so called Gilded Age, the economy of America went up significantly by more than 400% between 1860 and 1900. During the same time, the United States Patent office gave out up to twelve times more patents than it had been the case in the past 70 years. There was also a notable increase in the productivity of the agricultural sector due to invention of farm machinery; â€Å"In 1872, the vast majority of Americans equated logging trees, plowing prairies, grazing grasslands and mining mountains with progress.† The same advancement was made in the factory sector. The business communication sector made a step with the invention of Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone which was developed on February 14th, 1876. The lighting of homes and the power required by the various factories in carrying out several of the operation were made possible by Thomas Edison. This was as from 6th December, 1977.Still on the American economy, the growing industrial sector made available the goods needed for the upcoming urban markets. This led to a shoot in the number of the urban dwellers due to migration of individual to urban centers, most of who came from Europe. As a percentage, those living in urban areas represented 40% of the total American population. This was an increase from the initial 20%. The immigrants wanted to get jobs in the expanding manufacturing sectors, and also to have a taste of the city-life.However, there is an irony regarding this economic development of the gilded age.The growing of this economy came with weighty negatives.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 37

Essay Example These articles include Donald Antrims "He Knew", Ruth Prawer Jhabvalas "Aphrodisiac", and Nalini Joness "Tiger". In these articles, the setting has concentrated on a modernized world where even the parents are allowing their children to make decisions of their own without interference of dictation, as was the case in the past. In addition, the setting has been concentrated in countries in the developed world. The issues that the individuals go through are also specific to college age individuals. Therefore, the setting is a critical element in these narrative works because it is responsible for the establishment of a mental image, which is essential to understanding the message being passed by the author. Taking Ruth Prawer Jhabvalas â€Å"Aphrodisiac† into consideration, it is clear that the characters that the author has chosen are college students. This can be seen from the very first paragraph where the author reveals that university friends were discussing the novel that that would best fit the Indian context of lifestyle. Here, Kishen, the main character, suggests that the best novel that ought to fit the Indian context would incorporate the urban slum dwellers, indecently rich commerce and landless laborers. The author also shows that traditions are important to most societies and are always exhibited and observed when certain activities are done from the traditional perspective. For instance, in Aphrodisiac, the author makes it clear that the Indian culture observes its traditions by maintaining that while Kishen was away studying at Cambridge, his elder brother Shiv had got married in a traditional wedding. This creates an image in the audience’s minds of how t he scene of the marriage was and how the practices were performed. To show that this context was set in the modern world, Kishen went to the U.S to study there, which is what is currently happening as most

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Opportunity Corridor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Opportunity Corridor - Essay Example In some instances, the program may lead to urban sprawl as well as less congestion when cities receive expressways and freeways. Large-scale urban renewal programs across the U.S. commenced during the interwar period. The purpose of the program was to clear slums and transform them into cities thereby rehabilitating and repopulating the cities (Schmitt 34). Thus, the program addressed social, economic, and environmental concerns affecting the suburban sprawl. In Ohio State, Cleveland constitutes one of the regions where urban renewal program is ongoing through the Opportunity Corridor road Project amounting to $331 million (Schmitt 37). The paper aims at discussing the contentious Opportunity Corridor project. However, I believe that the Opportunity Corridor project is of great benefit to the Clevelanders Cleveland’s City Charter through the City Planning Commission adopts a comprehensive plan aimed at developing and improving the city. Since the city has plans of achieving social, economic, and environmental sustainability within its districts, various plans are therefore underway. One of the plans entails the Cleveland Opportunity Corridor Study Project. The study examines the potential to develop a transportation system as well as support premeditated economic development growth in regions ranging from I-490/I-77and University Circle within Cleveland. The region is regarded as Forgotten Triangle since it lacks economic activity (Greater Cleveland Partnerships 1). This region has been a center of heavy industrial activities since the 1880s. Both investment and population within the area have recorded a dramatic decline with the neighborhood recording abandonment and neglect in the recent years. Besides transportation benefits, the project will create and increase the potenti al for new jobs, novel economic development as well as a fresh identity for the community. Grassroots group of citizens oppose the construction of the Opportunity